Welcome to Svetlana's Product Services. With a decade of experience in product design, UX strategy, and product management, I help businesses transform ideas into market-ready products. Discover how my skillset and interactive workshops can elevate your product quality and development process.

I worked with brilliant teams:
Empower your products
by discovering
value-driven solutions
Hi! I'm Sveta. I'm a product lead, a mentor, and a strategist with both a design and management background.

My expertise lies in building product teams and processes from the ground up, fostering a robust customer-centric culture, and educating team members to elevate their skill set.

Residing in Dubai, I am on the lookout for an opportunity to bring my expertise to a Design or Product Lead role, where I can continue to drive innovation and value.
What I do
  • 10+ years

    Experience in product
  • 434.4+ m

    Cumulative monthly visits from users worldwide
  • 12

    The maximum number
    of people I managed
How I can help
Chris Wallace
Chris brought me on board to develop a robust product strategy and enhance user experience, particularly through building the product discovery for Mortgage Finder. I organized workshops for the design, research, and business teams to prioritize product hypotheses and ensure our initiatives were closely aligned with key business goals. These efforts also cultivated a collaborative and data-centric environment within the team.
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