Sveta Anastasova
Digital Product Designer
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
> 6 years > 20 projects > 17 mln users
I’m a digital product designer, working as Senior Product Designer at Ozon. Before that I led a product design team at MTS and designed MTS Cashback and MTS Locator. Now I'm living in Dubai, UAE.
I’m passionate about making experiments and learn from it. So drop me an e-mail, if you have an interesting project.
I worked with brilliant teams:
On multiple great projects:
At ChatFood, we sought to create a seamless 360' experience for the hospitality field: from online and dining ordering and payment solution for customers to analytics and marketing tool for businesses.
Key facts:
  • 1.2 mln customers
  • >8,000 brands
At Ozon, we have achieved a vision to become a super-app on the Russian market, the place to get anything: from multi-category products to food and groceries delivery, books, train and plane tickets, hotel reservations, and other travel services.
Key facts:
  • >16 mln customers
  • it's Russian Amazon
At MTS we achieved a mission to go beyond telecommunication services, to combine all the company products into one united ecosystem, and build an omnichannel experience for our customers.
Key facts:
  • 3 mln customers
    My work at Ozon was focused on:
    Product design and execution
    Ensuring designs are based on user insights, and the end experience meets the quality bar:
    • User research & user testing process
    • Data-driven design approach
    • Devs handoff process

    product design strategy
    Together with the product team and the company leadership, we built a top-notch experience for the Ozon mobile platform.
    With a set of guiding principles, this vision helps us build product roadmaps, align stakeholders, and deliver a design that scales.

    design consistency
    • Building design library in Figma
    • Driving design system adopting through engineering teams
    • Evolving cross-vertical design system together with other teams

    Super-app vision
    Shaping the vision of a super-app, as well as a contextual helper that knows your behavior and would recommend you the right thing whenever you open the app.

    Highlights of my work at Ozon:
    Ozon Favorites
    I worked on the favorites section on all platforms. Recent redefinition of navigation through favorites led to increase of daily revenue by 1100% and doubling of DAU.
    May 2020 —— Apr. 2021

    Ozon Design System
    While working at Ozon I created a system of scalable widgets, which are used throughout the product. I helped formulate the design vision and wrote the design guidelines.
    Sept. 2019 —— June 2021
    At MTS we achieved a mission to go beyond telecommunication services, to combine all the company products into one united ecosystem, and build an omnichannel experience for our customers.
    Key facts:
    • 3 mln customers.
    Highlights of my work at MTS:
    Customer Development
    Advocated for a customer development approach and data-driven design as well as lean startup and agile engineering. Convinced management to implement them into the MTS Cashback development process. Launched 1st project in the company using these methodologies, which grew into a fully established application.

    Omnichannel experience
    I together with my design team unified experience throughout 30+ products such as authorization processes and user profiles to create an ecosystem of products and provide our customers with a seamless and consistent experience.

    MTS Cashback
    I was the sole designer of MTS Cashback. It was built from scratch using the Agile method. Then we expanded functionality of program adding history, withdrawal, and rewards marketplace.
    Sept. 2017 —— Dec. 2018
    МТС Cashback

    MTS Locator
    Worked as product designer on process of adding devices. Expanded device compatibility adding: automobiles, pet trackers, bracelets, etc.
    Oct. 2018 – Aug. 2019
    MTS Locator

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